Senior Saints Ministry
Pastor and Mrs. Wilkerson enjoyed a wonderful luncheon yesterday at Spring Creek Barbeque with 20 of our Galilean Senior Saints. In this ministry of encouragement, our seniors send cards, make meals and most importantly, are mighty prayer warriors. Our goal is to see others come to Christ through this vital ministry of our church. Please pray that God will continue to bless and use our Senior Saints.
Sword Club
A Wednesday night Bible club for young people, Sword Club is designed to teach children the power and importance of the Word of God. Highlights include Scripture memory, children’s choir, a Bible lesson, and a special “Sword of the Lord Award.” Our theme verse is Hebrews 4:12, “For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword…” Please invite children to join us as we are currently Journeying Through Genesis! (If you are interested in helping us, please see Joy Wilkerson.)
Discipleship Ministry
“Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you…” (Matthew 28:20) Fulfilling the Great Commission includes helping new converts grow in their walk with the Lord. We are grateful for the souls that have been saved recently. Currently, Pastor is discipling fifteen new Christians. This is an important ministry and if you would like to be involved please speak with Pastor Wilkerson for training.
Galilean Baptist Academy
A discipleship ministry, GBA provides a proven Christian curriculum, godly atmosphere, and qualified supervision to help our children excel in their spiritual, home, church, academic, and future life. GBA is currently assisting seven homeschooling families with twenty-three students enrolled. We are thankful for all those involved in encouraging and supporting the next generation.
Nepali Deaf Refugee Ministry
Last week, Missionary Rob Robideau and adopted Nepali son, Beeam, visited and shared the gospel in two Nepali homes. Over 70 Nepali showed up to see pictures and hear about their native country. Thankfully, the gospel was clearly given. Please pray that the seed planted will grow in their hearts. Of the 30 in attendance this week, 2 hearing Nepali ladies joined our class.
Fifth Sunday Report
We want to praise the Lord for wonderful Fifth Sunday services last week. Dr. Raymond Barber brought a great Bible message about the Word of God, and Bro. Michael Wiggins’ message and songs were a blessing. We had 81 people in attendance and one young man accepted Christ. Thank you to all of those who prepared food and worked together as a church family to make it a blessed day.